
Paris BN 1719

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français 1719. A very important literary source with rondeaux and ballades, very often with some musical parallels. View Facsimile List of the pieces: View


Paris BN f. fr. 1569 (Chansonnier of Marguerite d’Orléans)

A small volume of only six albeit famous and important chansons, all centered around the topic of “douleur, regretz, mort”. View Facsimile


Paris BN f. fr. 1597, Chansonnier du Duc de Lorraine

Around 1500 with repertoire of the late 15th century. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b9060517z/f1.image.r=1597.langDE


Paris BN fonds français ms 1722

A collection of poems of Marguerite de Navarre, sister of François I. It is an important collection for chansons of the beginning of the 16th century. View Facsimile List of […]


Paris BN Ms. 2245, Chansonnier de Louis d’Orléans

Also known as the chansonnier Compere as there are many chansons and unica of this composer in this small manuscript. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b90593987.r=2245.langDE


Paris BN, Rés. vm7 676

This is a choirbook containing Frottole, Laude and motets by Japart, Isaac, Busnois et. al. It was assembled for Isabella d’Este. View Facsimile


Paris fonds français 19182 (Fonssomme)

Collection of poems from the early 16th century owned by Monsieur de Fonssomme. View Facsimile


Perugia 431

Perugia, Biblioteca Communale Augusta, Ms 431 Neapolitan source around 1490 with mixed repertoire. sacred and secular. Several works by Caron and Isaac. There are close ties to Montecassino and Sevilla. […]


Petrucci Canti B

Second volume of Petrucci’s first music print in facsimile: View There is also a digitalized version of all the pieces! listen to the pieces!


Petrucci Canti C

Third part of Petrucci’s first music print. View


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